
Support Investigative Journalism

Donations from the public help us provide more support to more journalists, for investigative stories that have a far-reaching impact. The Fund for Investigative Journalism is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, and donations are tax-deductible.

You may also mail checks to:

Fund for Investigative Journalism
Old Chelsea Station
P.O. Box 1205
New York, NY 10113

If you need to discuss a donation, you may contact Eric Ferrero, Executive Director, at [email protected] or 646-342-9310.

Learn more about the impact your donation can have.

The Fund for Investigative Journalism is committed to operating efficiently and transparently. Every year, 80-90% of our budget is spent on program services and less than 10% is spent on fundraising. Our Financial Reports section includes federal tax filings for the last 14 years and information on independent organizations that endorse the Fund’s financial practices.