

We provide a range of assistance to journalists who receive grants from the Fund for Investigative Journalism, and we also provide information and education to the larger field. If you have an idea or request for resources, please contact us at [email protected].

Grants And Assistance

We provide information on how to get grants from the Fund for Investigative Journalism, as well as referrals to other organizations that provide grants or assistance to reporters.


We engage leaders in investigative journalism, grantees and partners to share insights and lessons with the broader field. Below are some of our recent webinars. Access our older webinars here.

Inside the Investigation: Lauren Chooljian of NHPR

Inside the Investigation: Jail Deaths

Inside the Investigation: Guardianship Programs

Inside the Investigation: Jessica Miller of Salt Lake Tribune

Inside the Investigation: Author Rebecca Clarren

Inside the Investigation: Zhen Wang of Wisconsin Watch