
2001 EL ANDAR MAGAZINE — Silicone Shame, a series of investigative reports on the health and environmental impact that computer manufacturing has on low-income workers. ...

2001 DAN LA BOTZ — Made in Indonesia: Indonesian Workers Since Suharto published in June 2001 by South End Press: Cambridge. The book is an in-depth examination of Indonesia’s labor movement since the overthrow of the Suharto dictatorship and the continuing struggle for democratization and workers’ rights. Information is available on the publisher’s web site at ...

2001 INGRID LOBET — Investigation of the circumstances resulting in the poisoning by carbon monoxide gas of workers at a fruit-packing plant in Washington State in 1997. Broadcast April 29, 2001 on NPR’s Latino USA program. Archived at The documentary won several awards, including the Scripps Award for best broadcast documentary. ...

2001 MARI TSIKELASHVILI — Examination of Russia’s confiscation of property and gold owned by Georgia in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, including the apparent collusion of Georgian President Edward Shevardnadze. Published in ALIA in January 2001. ...

2001 BRIAN LIGOMEKA — Expose of corruption involving U.S. assistance to Malawi. Among officials implicated in the stories is President Bakili Muluzi, who is alleged to have had ties to a Ugandan national who was to receive a $6 million commission in the award of a U.S.-sponsored national identity card project to a Swiss holding company. Published in The Mirror ...

2001 ERIC LONGABARDI — BioWar, an investigation into secret biological/chemical testing conducted by the U.S. military in the 1960s, won top honors in the “Best of the West” Journalism Awards. The two-part investigation, broadcast by CBS Evening News in May 2000, can be seen at,1597,235003-412,00.shtml. ...

2001 ERNESTO BAZAN — Images of everyday life in Cuba during the “special period” after the fall of the Soviet Union. Published in Vol. 19 #4 of the APF Reporter and available online at ...

2001 KATY RECKDAHL — The first in a series of stories on the juvenile justice system in New Orleans detailed efforts by two eight-grade students charged with a school shooting to obtain a trial by jury, since the state was trying them as adults. It was published May 22, 2001 in Gambit Weekly . A trial judge subsequently ruled for ...

2001 JEREMY BIGWOOD — The Accidental Spy, a first-person account of Bigwood’s discovery that the U.S. Government had access to thousands of his photographs taken while working in Central America for the Gamma Liaison news agency from 1984 to 1994, was published in the July/August issue of American Journalism Review. ...

2001 JANET GARDNER –Documentary on Operation Babylift, the effort to rescue more than 2,000 infants and children at the close of the Vietnam War, and its enduring impact on their lives and the U.S. families who adopted them. PBS stations will broadcast the documentary nationally in November as part of “National Adoption Month.”  Information on the project is available at ...