
2004 ALICE HORRIGAN — Investigated crime victims who never receive the restitution they were promised by courts. Unclaimed restitution funds now total more than $100 million according to her account. ...

2004 PHILLIP BABICH — Investigated the federal government’s inept response to a disasterous coal slurry accident in a report aired on NPR’s Living on Earth. ...

2004 LIZA FEATHERSTONE — Examined Wal-Mart’s treatment of female employees Selling Women Short: The Landmark Battle for Workers Rights at Wal-Mart, published by Basic Books. ...

2004 RON CHEPESIUK — Explored the impact of globalization on women garment workers in South Asia in an article for Toward Freedom magazine. ...

2004 CHRISTOPHER BRYSON — Investigated health and environmental concerns surrounding the use of fluoride in drinking water in The Flouride Deception, published by Seven Stories Press. ...

2004 CHARLES LAYTON — Explored lobbying and political activity by major communications firms in a series of articles published by American Journalism Review. ...

2004 ELIZA GRISWOLD — Investigated the strange interplay of forces in a remote area of Pakistan called Waziristan, reputed to be the hiding place of Osama bin Laden. Griswold was the first recipient of the Fund’s Robert Friedman Award for International Investigative Reporting. Her article was published in the New Yorker . ...

2004 PRATAP CHATTERJEE AND RANIA MASRI — Occupation Inc. investigated war profiteering by American contractors in Iraq during the early stages of U.S. occupation. Their article was published by Southern Exposure . ...

2004 THOMAS LOWENSTEIN — Two articles calling into question the guilt of Pennsylvania man on death row for the murder of a child. The articles were published by the Philadelphia Citypaper. ...

2004 JIM WYSS — Investigated the massacre of 25 women and children in Ecuador’s Amazon forest. They were members of the Tagaeri-Taromenane tribe that has been swept up in violence fueled by illegal logging in the area. His articles were published in the Miami Herald and the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Herald also published several excellent photographs by Wyss. ...