More than a year into the pandemic, the Bronx still has the highest death rate from COVID-19 in New York City. In her new podcast episode with Northern California Public Media and The City, “Struggling to Breathe in the Bronx,” Ese Olumhense explores how exposure to air pollution from nearby highways has compounded the effects of COVID-19 from the Bronx ...
For caregivers in Kentucky and Nevada, the pandemic has exposed and exacerbated problems in the states’ foster care systems, in which kinship caregivers shoulder the many burdens of parenting with few of the supports afforded to licensed parents. Graham Ambrose’s new report for The Imprint, co-published by the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting, and Jackie Valley’s report, co-published by The ...
The Northwest Herald published a three-day series tackling what local, state and federal officials in Illinois are doing to mitigate flooding in the Fox River watershed and how northern Illinois residents have been and could be impacted by past and future flooding and stormwater policies. Read the report here. ...
For children at risk of abuse and neglect, pandemic-induced social distancing created social isolation and less face time with adults like teachers who usually spot and report signs of abuse. And for children living in neglectful or abusive homes, the pandemic was the perfect storm, according to grantee Ashley Hackett’s report for the Washington City Paper.In Washington, D.C., calls to ...
Despite a move by the United States’ Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) to stop sending home COVID-19-infected deportees in 2020, documents show they continue to arrive on planes in Guatemala, according to Oscar Garcia’s new report for palabra.At least 292 Guatemalans were sent home infected with the virus between May of 2020 — when the new health protocols were ...
When Craig Worster became the Millinocket, Maine, police chief in April 2019, the town posted a Facebook message welcoming him to the Penobscot County community. The post gave a brief overview of Worster’s career but left out key parts, including one detail that is only now coming to light. Josh Keefe’s new report for Bangor Daily News uncovers details about Worster’s journey ...
Lori Curry was incensed when she heard the stories of mistreatment her boyfriend faced in a Missouri prison in 2019. Wanting to air complaints about the Missouri Department of Corrections but at the same time worried her criticism might have consequences for her boyfriend, she created a new Twitter handle and tweeted anonymously about the ordeal.Without intending to, Curry became ...
The Chicago Police Department’s overtime spending has grown nearly every year since 2012, and fraud and abuse prompted Chicago’s Office of the Inspector General to audit the department’s overtime practices in 2017. The audit revealed practices such as officers improperly extending their tours or abusing Court overtime, and that the department lacked adequate controls and oversight. Despite the audit, spending continued to ...
Early one morning in October 2019, James Plymell was out of gas on the side of the road in Albany, Oregon. Less than an hour after police responded to help, he was dead — but his death would not be blamed on at least four tasings he received from the police that day. Leah Sottile’s longform investigation reveals a history ...
Akron put America on wheels, manufacturing most of the country’s tires and earning the title Rubber Capital of the World. Once among the fastest-growing U.S. cities, it attracted tens of thousands of people seeking work in its rubber factories. Those jobs are mostly gone, but the health effects of the toxins that workers encountered every day still linger. Some illnesses ...