
Reporter Katherine Reynolds Lewis, with support from the Fund, looked at how a rural Tennessee school district turned to an ...

Earlier this year, Alaska’s top child-abuse expert resigned after Wisconsin Watch uncovered serious questions about her work in both Wisconsin ...

Freelance health care reporter Taylor Knopf dug into North Carolina’s already-strapped mental health system and obtained new data showing that ...

While other criminal justice reform advanced in Connecticut over the last couple of years, one increasingly contentious issue was untouched ...

With one of the Fund’s new follow-up grants, which help grantees continue reporting stories after the initial investigation is published, ...

For decades, the federal government has known that climate change will force people in the U.S. to relocate – but ...

A major development project in New York City promised benefits to the community – but those commitments have not been ...

In Hawaii, 85 percent of children who were removed from their parents in abuse and neglect cases last year were ...

The Food and Drug Administration has been investigating for four years whether the increasing popularity of grain-free dog food has ...

The Environmental Protection Agency has stepped up its focus on a group of chemicals known as PFAS, which are found ...