
2004 JIM WYSS — Investigated the massacre of 25 women and children in Ecuador’s Amazon forest. They were members of the Tagaeri-Taromenane tribe that has been swept up in violence fueled by illegal logging in the area. His articles were published in the Miami Herald and the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Herald also published several excellent photographs by Wyss. ...

2004 RACHEL SMOLKIN — Examined newsroom cutbacks at newspapers owned by the Tribune Company, now the nation’s third-largest newspaper company by circulation. Her article, Uncertain Times, was published by American Journalism Review . ...

2004 PASCALE BONNEFOY — Investigated torture and abuse at Chile’s National Stadium during the Pinochet dictatorship in Terrorismo de Estadio, a Spanish-language book published by Ediciones Chile America – CESOC. ...

2003 ANNE-MARIE CUSAC — Explored union-busting techniques used by today’s employers in Brazen Bosses, published by The Progressive magazine. ...

2003 ARLENE EDMONDS — Exposed the practice of social service agencies removing children from their homes solely because their parents are living in poverty. Her article, Parental Rights: Losing Children to Poverty, was the cover story in the Philadelphia Tribune Magazine . ...

2003 LIZA FEATHERSTONE — Investigated the treatment of female workers by Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest employer, in Wal-Mart Values. Her article was the cover story in the Nation magazine. ...

2003 DAN FERBER — Wrote several articles for Science magazine exposing the Bush administration’s attempt to politicize the membership of scientific advisory panels. His stories prompted similar articles in the Washington Post, New York Times, and other publications. ...

2003 KATY RECKDAHL — Completed a series of articles about the lives of poor people in New Orleans for Gambit, an alternative weekly. The articles often reported on the encounters between police/local authorities and poor people. A vivid example was her article on a police crackdown on kids who tapdance for change on street corners in the Latin Quarter. The ...

2003 WENDY SUE WILLIAMS — Completed her investigation of carbon sequestration and other emissions-trading schemes, questioning whether the purposes of the Kyoto treaty are being subverted. Her articles on the subject were published in Scientific American and the Boston Globe. It was also the subject of a lengthy interview with her on National Public Radio’s Living on Earth. ...

2003 SARA BETH MILLER — Investigated the plight of impoverished Moroccan children who illegally enter the Spanish outpost of Ceuta . The article was published in the news section of the Christian Science Monitor and subsequently was the basis of an expanded piece in the paper’s Ideas section. ...