2002 CAROLYN JOHNSEN — Examined the environmental, economic and social effects of “hog factory” farms in the Midwest in a book titled Raising a Stink. It was published by the University of Nebraska Press. ...
2002 GALINA GOTUA — Investigated the poisoning of people in the Republic of Georgia by a radiation leak from a Strontium-90 generator. Her article was published by the newspaper Georgia Today, including an English-language version published in the U.S. ...
2002 KATY RECKDAHL — Scaling Back examined devastating budget cuts faced by the New Orleans Legal Assistance Corp., which has argued thousands of civil cases on behalf of the poor over a 35-year period. Another article examined police harassment of kids who tap dance for spare change on street corners, a long tradition in New Orleans, because local authorities have ...
2002 MARY ANN SWISSLER — The Marketing of Breast Cancer investigated the Susan G. Komen Foundation, sponsor of the “Race for the Cure,” and its emphasis on finding a medical cure for breast cancer. Her story was published by Southern Exposure magazine and distributed over the Internet by AlterNet.org. ...
2002 JOE RODRIGUEZ — East Side Stories, a photojournalism book examining gang in Los Angeles. His book was published by Powerhouse Books. ...
2002 THE ADIRONDAK EXPLORER — Completed a two-year series of stories about development pressures facing Adirondack Park and the failure of officials to properly address the problem. ...
2002 JIMMIE BRIGGS — Guerilla Girls, a story investigating the use of girls as suicide bombers by Tamil rebels in Sri Lanka. The story was published by Bust magazine and was the basis for a report aired on ABC’s 20/20. ...
2001 NAFTALI MUNGAI — Investigated extensive environmental damage and associated issues of corruption involving titanium mining in Kenya by the Canadian-owned company Tiomin Resources Inc. His article was published in The People (Nairobi). ...
2001 BEVERLY PETERSON — Invisible Revolution, a video documentary, examined the raw struggle between young KKK supporters and their anti-racist adversaries. The documentary included an interview with Benjamin Smith conducted shortly before he went on a racist killing spree in the Midwest. The video was first shown on public television in Dayton and subsequently screened at the Sundance film festival ...
2001 WALLACE ROBERTS — Questioned whether California power-generating companies conspired to raise electricity prices by exploiting weaknesses in the state’s deregulation law. The article was published in the Sacramento Bee. Roberts was a recipient of the Fund’s annual book award for a book investigating the impact of electricity deregulation on consumers. ...