
2001 NAFTALI MUNGAI — Investigated extensive environmental damage and associated issues of corruption involving titanium mining in Kenya by the ...

2001 BEVERLY PETERSON — Invisible Revolution, a video documentary, examined the raw struggle between young KKK supporters and their anti-racist ...

2001 WALLACE ROBERTS — Questioned whether California power-generating companies conspired to raise electricity prices by exploiting weaknesses in the state’s ...

2001 GEOFFREY F.X. O’CONNELL — The Mystery of the 364th reveals the story of a ten-year investigation questioning whether a ...

2001 EL ANDAR MAGAZINE — Silicone Shame, a series of investigative reports on the health and environmental impact that computer ...

2001 DAN LA BOTZ — Made in Indonesia: Indonesian Workers Since Suharto published in June 2001 by South End Press: ...

2001 INGRID LOBET — Investigation of the circumstances resulting in the poisoning by carbon monoxide gas of workers at a ...

2001 MARI TSIKELASHVILI — Examination of Russia’s confiscation of property and gold owned by Georgia in the wake of the ...

2001 BRIAN LIGOMEKA — Expose of corruption involving U.S. assistance to Malawi. Among officials implicated in the stories is President ...

2001 ERIC LONGABARDI — BioWar, an investigation into secret biological/chemical testing conducted by the U.S. military in the 1960s, won ...