
2001 ERNESTO BAZAN — Images of everyday life in Cuba during the “special period” after the fall of the Soviet ...

2001 KATY RECKDAHL — The first in a series of stories on the juvenile justice system in New Orleans detailed ...

2001 JEREMY BIGWOOD — The Accidental Spy, a first-person account of Bigwood’s discovery that the U.S. Government had access to ...

2001 JANET GARDNER –Documentary on Operation Babylift, the effort to rescue more than 2,000 infants and children at the close ...

2001 ALAN LIPKE — Are We Still Making Progress? combined elements of a radio documentary on an 1898 race riot ...

2001 STEVE WEINBERG — A brief profile of the “patron saint” of investigative reporting, Ida Tarbell, published in the May-June ...

2001 JOHN KAMAU — British Bombs Cause Mayhem, reporting on deaths and injuries in rural Kenya caused by munitions used ...

2001 CHARLES BANDA — Investigated deplorable prison conditions in southern Malawi in eighteen articles published in the newspaper African Witness. ...

2001 LEAH SAMUEL — Reported on illegal and irregular management practices of the Detroit Public Library system in a story ...

2001 KEN SILVERSTEIN — U.S. Oil Politics in “The Kuwait of Africa” investigated the pillaging of Equatorial Guinea by U.S. ...