2011 Wanjohi Kabukuru – “Merchants of Peril: Deadly Pesticides Pose Death, Pollution for EA.” They are hazardous, portend grim and fatal implications and adversely affect all living things. And East Africa is still stocking them… Click here to read ...
2011 Joel Brinkley – In 1992, Cambodia became a United Nations protectorate – the first and only time the UN tried something so ambitious. What did the new, democratically-elected government do with this unprecedented gift? Brinkley found a people in the grip of a venal government that refuses to provide even the most basic services without a bribe. He learned ...
2011 Moment Magazine – “They Had The Wrong Name At the Wrong Place At The Wrong Time,” an investigation by Moment’s editor and publisher, Nadine Epstein, into discrimination against Jews who worked for the U.S. Army Corps at Fort Monmouth, NJ in the wake of Julius Rosenberg’s arrest. ...
2011 The Daniel Pearl Project – An investigation by Asra Q. Nomani with a team of 32 Georgetown University students under the direction of Georgetown University Journalism Director Barbara Feinman Todd. Sponsored by the Center for Public Integrity’s International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, with major funding from the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation, and a travel grant from the Fund for Investigative Journalism. ...
2010 I-News: The Rocky Mountain Investigative News Network – A six month investigation found what really happens to Colorado’s rising mountain of electronic waste. ...
2010 Ted Dracos – In Biocidal, investigative journalist Ted Dracos tells the full story of PCBs for the first time, starting with the chilling chronicle of how the chemical industry manipulated regulatory agencies and scientific findings for decades to continue to reap huge profits, despite their knowledge of the threats posed by their “magic fluid.” Published by Beacon Press. ...
2010 Wanjohi Kabukuru – Bad for America, good for East Africa. For decades, Africa has been seen as a dumping ground for toxic waste and other agro chemicals and pharmaceutical products banned in the West…. Published in New African Magazine. ...
2010 Rebecca Clarren – Toxic Past, Toxic Present: Banned pesticides linger in neighborhoods that swallowed up former farms and orchards. Published in High Country News. ...
2010 Judy Pasternak – “Yellow Dirt: An American Story of a Poisoned Land and a People Betrayed,” by Judy Pasternak, was released in September 2010. Pasternak investigated the toxic aftermath of uranium mining on Navajo Indian land for the material used in atomic bombs in the 1940s. Radioactive dirt contaminated drinking water, playgrounds, and homes. The poisoning of the land and ...
Mark Feldstein’s book reveals blackmail and bribery among the shady tactics used by muckraker Jack Anderson. The book’s focal point is the clash between the columnist and President Richard Nixon. A review in The New York Times called the book a “clear-eyed biography” of Anderson which portrays politician and reporter as the “King Kong and Godzilla of sleaze, paranoia, and dirty tricks.” ...