
2011 Scott Carney, Jason Miklian, and Kristian Hoelscher –  “Felani wore her gold bridal jewelry as she crouched out of sight inside ...

For Mother Jones, Trevor Aaronson writes: “The FBI has built a massive network of spies to prevent another domestic attack. ...

 2011 Trevor Aaronson – For Mother Jones, Aaronson writes: “The FBI has built a massive network of spies to prevent another domestic ...

Mary Lou Simms investigated the U. S. Department of Agriculture program that exterminates wild birds and animals for the McClatchy-Tribune News Service. ...

 2011 Mary Lou Simms – For McClatchy-Tribune News Service, Simms reports on the U. S. Department of Agriculture program that exterminates ...

Bogota, COLOMBIA — As Isabel Morales and Julian Resendiz report for the Dallas Morning News: The death of her 20-year-old son at ...

2011 Isabel Morales and Julian Resendiz with photojournalist William Fernando Martinez – Bogota, COLOMBIA — The death of her 20-year-old son ...

In “Render Unto Rome: The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church,” author Jason Berry exposes the secrecy and ...

2011 Jason Berry – In “Render Unto Rome: The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church,” Jason Berry exposes ...

Press Release Contact information: Sandy Bergo, 202-391-0206 Washington DC-based Fund for Investigative Journalism Chosen for 2011-12 Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater ...