
Washington – The Fund for Investigative Journalism is proud to announce that the Ithaca New York-based Park Foundation has awarded $75,000 for the third year running. The grant will help underwrite the Fund’s program to support independent investigative reporters who have the ideas, sources, and know-how to produce groundbreaking investigative journalism, but need help paying the expenses of reporting. The grants ...

The next deadline for proposals is Monday, December 10, 2012, 5 p.m. Eastern time. The Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ) seeks grant proposals for independent investigative projects from journalists who need support for travel and other reporting expenses. FIJ awards grants three or four times each year. FIJ is interested in proposals that break new ground and expose wrongdoing. Projects ...

WASHINGTON — The Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ) seeks grant proposals for independent investigative projects from journalists who need support for travel and other reporting expenses. The deadline for proposals is 5 p.m. EDT, Friday, September 28. FIJ is interested in proposals that break new ground and expose wrongdoing. Projects relating to government accountability and environmental issues in the United ...

Washington – The Fund for Investigative Journalism is pleased to announce the Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation has awarded a $50,000 grant for the Fund’s grant-making and mentoring program for independent investigative reporters. The Foundation’s two-year grant underwrites the Fund’s program of project grants for reporters who have the ideas, sources, and know-how to produce groundbreaking investigative journalism, but ...

Reporter Hella Winston and editor Robert Goldblum have received an Honorable Mention for their series “Child Sexual Abuse in the Ultra-Orthodox Community” by the The Journalism Center on Children and Families, which awards the Casey Medal for Meritoroius Journalism. The series ran in The Jewish Week (New York). The award citation reads: “The ultra-Orthodox Jewish community has a long history of handling ...

It’s been an extraordinary year for journalists working with support from the Fund for Investigative Journalism.  In recent months, ten FIJ-supported grantees have been recognized for exemplary work just completed, or in progress. Trevor Aaronson, writing for Mother Jones, won first place in the national/international category of the Data Journalism Awards, an international competition, for his article, “The Informants.” Aaronson ...

WASHINGTON – The Board of Directors of the Fund for Investigative Journalism has awarded $104,000 in grants for 26 independent investigative projects in the United States and overseas. The grants provide the resources necessary to travel, interview sources, and research documentary evidence. The Fund’s grant-making program is made possible by support from the Park Foundation, the Gannett Foundation, the Ethics and ...

 (Washington) – The Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ) is pleased to announce continuing support from the Gannett Foundation for FIJ’s grant and mentoring program for independent watchdog journalists. The Foundation has awarded a grant for $25,000 that will give critical assistance to reporters working on domestic investigative reporting projects. This is the second year that the Foundation has awarded a grant ...

Fund for Investigative Journalism – supported reporter Trevor Aaronson has been selected as a finalist for the  2011 Livingston Awards for Young Journalists. Aaronson was cited for his story published in Mother Jones on informants recruited by the FBI to pose as terrorists. Aaronson examined terrorism prosecutions and discovered that a series of high-profile cases had started as FBI stings where the means, the ...

Fund for Investigative Journalism grantees have won 2011 Sigma Delta Chi awards from the Society of Professional Journalists, in two categories. For Investigative Reporting (non-daily publication), Rebekah L. Cowell, won an award for her “Waste Land” series in The Independent Weekly (Durham NC).  Cowell investigated how low income and minority communities get stuck with other people’s waste in the form of ...