
New Haven, Connecticut – As Rob Gurwitt reports for the Connecticut Health I-Team: “Each time John Dempsey Hospital performs a ...

WASHINGTON – (December 21, 2011) The Board of Directors of the Fund for Investigative Journalism has awarded $34,000 in grants ...

Washington City Paper features The Fund for Investigative Journalism as one of “Seventy local nonprofits that are worth your time ...

Lakewood, New Jersey – As Hella Winston reports for The Jewish Week, “.. a Jewish religious tribunal [is] operating as ...

2011 – As Hella Winston reports for The Jewish Week, “.. a Jewish religious tribunal [is] operating as a kind of ...

(Washington) – During the past year and  a half, more than twenty experienced reporters and news executives have mentored FIJ grantees, lending a ...

(Washington) – On Monday night, young people displayed artwork, pounded on drums, performed a harpsichord solo, and read a book aloud. ...

Washington (October 21, 2011) The American Journalism Review profiles the Fund for Investigative Journalism and its support of the “independent, intrepid ...

Contact: Sandy Bergo,  202-391-0206 (Washington) – The Fund for Investigative Journalism is proud to announce continuing support from the Park ...

The Wall Street Journal, calls Robert Neuwirth’s book, “Stealth of Nations,” a “fascinating tour” of the informal, unofficial economy, known as ...